Super high quality 1:1 mirror copy replica bag
Style: M82836
22 x 15 x 5.5 cm
(Length x height x width )
Monogram Empreinte embossed supple grained cowhide leather
Textile lining
Gold-color hardware
S-lock closure
Inside flat pocket
Chain: Removable
Chain Drop: 50.0 cm
Packing comes with Dustbag, Invoice, Cards and Box
Free shipping worldwide. 7-15 days’ shipping time in total. All orders will be shipped out within 24hours, the tracking number & tracking link will be updated to your email box after 2-3 days’ processing time.
30 Days money-back guarantee.
100% Satisfaction guarantee.
Peggy –
This company has the best communication skills! Every step of the way, please send photos and confirm my choice with me before shipping! Product comes well packaged with box, receipt and dust bag. An added bonus is that all hardware is individually packaged for support! I absolutely love this bag and will be a permanent customer of this company!