Super high-quality 1:1 copy replica bag
23 x 6 x 13cm/9.1 x 2.4 x 5.1in
Min. shoulder strap drop: 27cm/10.6in
Max. shoulder strap drop: 50cm/19.7in
Packing: Box,Invoice,Cards and Dustbag.
Free shipping worldwide. 7-15 days domestic via USPS/DHL/Fedx, 7-18 days international.
30 Days money-back guarantee.
100% Satisfaction guarantee.
Burberry Small Lola Bag
Burberry Small Lola Bag
Mary –
The design of the bag is very user-friendly, taking into account the user’s habits and needs, and it is very convenient to use. This bag is very light, and it does not feel heavy even when filled with items, making it easy to carry. The price is reasonable, and it is a high-quality product worth buying.