Super high-quality 1:1 copy replica bag
Blue Dior Oblique Jacquard
Reference: M0446CTZQ_M928
Magnetic ‘D’ stirrup closure
‘CD’ signature on the strap
Interior pocket
Back pocket
Dust bag included
Dimensions: 25.5 x 20 x 6.5 cm / 10 x 8 x 3 inches
Free shipping worldwide. 7-15 days domestic via USPS/DHL/Fedx, 7-18 days international.
30 Days money-back guarantee.
100% Satisfaction guarantee.
Agnes –
First time experiencing purchasing from here, no disappointment! Excellent communication, and fast delivery. The bag is well packed and looks exactly like the picture. Very good quality. It is recommended to purchase bag from here for the first time and make sure to purchase from that company again!This bag is so beautiful, I am surprised by its quality. The materials are very good, the stitching and all the hardware are of high quality, clean and beautiful. I’m glad I bought it, I definitely recommend it! The transportation is fast and will arrive in two to three weeks, and it is in good condition.