Super high-quality 1:1 replica bag
19 x 9 x 9 cm
(length x height x width )
Monogram coated canvas
Cowhide-leather trim
Microfiber lining
Gold-color hardware
S-lock closure
Strap : Removable, adjustable
Strap Drop : 30.0 cm
Strap Drop Max. : 52.0 cm
Chain : Removable
Chain Drop : 55.0 cm
Packing:Comes with Dustbag, Invoice, Cards and Box
Free shipping worldwide. 7-15 days’ shipping time in total. All orders will be shipped out within 24hours, the tracking number & tracking link will be updated to your email box after 2-3 days’ processing time.
30 Days money-back guarantee.
100% Satisfaction guarantee.
Dorothy –
I spent some time evaluating. First, the delivery speed is very fast. Second, the quality is very good. I like the quality of this bag. They are very good. I bought different products and they were very satisfied.