Super High-quality replica bag
Reference: M0565
Stone Gray Cannage Lambskin
Dimensions: 24 x 21 x 12 cm / 9.5 x 8.5 x 4.5 inches (Length x Height x Width)
Packing:Comes with Dustbag, Invoice, Cards and Box
Free shipping worldwide. 7-15 days’ shipping time in total. All orders will be shipped out within 24hours, the tracking number & tracking link will be updated to your email box after 2-3 days’ processing time.
30 Days money-back guarantee.
100% Satisfaction guarantee.
Sheila –
I like it very much. It is very advanced and versatile. The size is also what I want. It can put a little more things, but it is also very delicate. In short, it is a very satisfactory bag, and it did not disappoint me and I fell in love with it at a glance.
Marta –
I like this bag. It’s of good quality. I also ordered a black one from another place and when this one shipped to me, the quality comparison was crazy.